Standard conformity certification: Vietnamcontrol performs standard conformity certification for all items according to international standards, national standards, industry standards ...: textile products, construction materials, electrical equipment and cables electricity...
Conformity certification: Vietnamcontrol is assigned to carry out certification (Method 1, Method 5, Method 7) for the following items:
A. Construction materials (according to QCVN 16: 2017 / BXD)
List of goods and construction materials designated for conformity assessment:
1) Cement, additives for cement and concrete
2) Construction glass
3) Tiles and paving stones
4) Construction sand
5) Construction materials
6) Other construction materials
B. Steel for concrete reinforcement (according to QCVN 07: 2011 / BKHCN)
C. Pesticide sprayer (according to QCVN 01-182: 2015 / BNNPTNT)
D. Children's toys (according to QCVN 03: 2009 / BKHCN)
E. Textile products
a) Group No. 01: Textile products for children under 36 months of age; or a length of ≤100 cm for an instant.
b) Group No. 02: Textile products that are in direct contact with the skin: are products that are used in direct contact with the user's skin.
c) Group No. 03: Textile products that do not come into direct contact with skin: are products when used with product surfaces that do not come in direct contact with the user's skin.